Our Story
Mitchell Chang
Mitchell Chang loved life. He loved pirates and dinosaurs. He loved his friends. Most of all, he loved his family. Mitchell had a natural ease about him that was welcoming to all he met. He was a beautiful, enthusiastic, and exuberant-spirited boy. Tragically, when he was three-years-old, Mitchell drowned at Love To Swim School, a swim school owned by Mary Reilly-Magee.
Before this tragedy, Mitchell was best described as a determined little boy. This is fitting since his Chinese name, Pei-Heng means “to be persistent.” He was persistent in all his endeavors including sharing, laughing, helping others, and pursuing his dreams of being a pirate.
Early on in Mitchell’s life, it became apparent that when Mitchell felt something, he felt it deeply. These feelings led to first day of school tears and attempts to “protect” his brother, Evan, from their babysitter. They also led Mitchell to joyfully sing “This Little Light of Mine” and squeal with excitement when chased down the long hallway in his home.
These deep feelings contributed to Mitchell’s compassion and servant’s heart. It was his servant’s heart that endeared Mitchell to all who knew him. He helped other students get ready to go home by putting their water bottles and folders in their backpacks. He brought other students classroom supplies needed to complete projects. He picked up his friends when they fell. Mitchell’s good story is a story of love, happiness, and service to others.

The Mitchell Chang Foundation
Our Mission Is To Continue Mitchell's Good Story!
Be The Good Story
Let Mitchell’s story of love, kindness, and compassion inspire moments of kindness from you! We wish to overwhelm the world with LOVE by encouraging small, continual acts of kindness to others. Overwhelm the world with us!!
In Mitchell’s honor his parents, Dr. & Mrs. Chang, formed The Mitchell Chang Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, to continue his fun-loving nature and good story. Their goal is to bring the love and happiness Mitchell gave to them, to all families in San Antonio by building the first free public inclusive playground for the parks system.